Prioritizing Entrepreneurship he main ports of the North region of the IRAN based on vital technology as one of methods of the forecasting models
Subject Areas :حسین صاحبی 1 , Parvaneh Gelard 2 *
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Keywords: Port Maritime Organization, Individual entrepreneurship, Organizational entrepreneurship, critical technology method,
Abstract :
In today's business world, organizations and businesses that focus on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial people can guarantee their survival in the market and to compete with other domestic and foreign competitors pay. Port maritime organization as a marine sector in the country, holding a large part of the economy of this area as well. Which should be in line with the global movement of entrepreneurship, to survive and maintain its competitive position with other ports in neighboring countries to begin a great movement. In this regard, the present study, three main port of the aforementioned in the north of the country (the ports of Anzali, Noshahr and Amirabad) in this respect were studied using library research, interviews with experts and set questionnaire containing 94 questions out of 30 was performed and the scores derived from each attribute, evaluating and prioritizing of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in ascending order based on the average scores and rankings took three ports of the entrepreneurial aspects via critical technology method. The results showed that, among all the studied ports, Anzali port, total entrepreneurial indices are within the critical range of the designed matrix. However, the relationship between entrepreneurial indices and the success rate of ports in creating jobs should be examined in future.
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