Model of the relationships between Network Leadership antecedents
Subject Areas :rouhollah sharifi 1 * , Hasan Alvedari 2 , reza rasouli 3 , Mohammad Montazeri 4
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Keywords: antecedents Network Leadership Fuzzy DEMATEL Payame Noor University,
Abstract :
The development of network leadership theory in the field of university activities is an important step towards the development of network literature. Due to the wide range of communication of Payame Noor University with internal and external organizations as well as the qualitative and quantitative goals of the university, network leadership is the best leadership style to maximize the control, control and maximum utilization of Payame Noor University's communication capacity.In this regard, the present study has attempted to identify the network leadership antecedents at Payame Noor University and to investigate the causal relationships between these antecedents using Fuzzy DEMATEL technique.This research is applicable in terms of purpose, and descriptive in terms of data collection. In order to collect data we used the viewpoints of experts which selected by purposeful sampling and Sample size for completing the questionnaire of 12 full-time faculty members of Payame Noor University with a minimum associate degree and 10 years of academic background from ten areas of Payame Noor University. After identifying Network Leadership antecedents at Payam-e-Noor University from the literature, to determine the status of causal relations among these factors, Fuzzy DEMATEL technique was used over 6 steps. The results of data analysis showed that among the extracted antecedent from literature, empowerment is the most fundamental factor. Also, the two factors of empowerment and leader proactivity are the most influential factors among other network leadership antecedents at Payam-e-Noor University, and on the opposite side are the most influential indicators, culture and spirit of participation. According to the results of the research, Payam Noor University administrators should pay special attention to empowerment and leader proactivity as the two main factors influencing the implementation and optimal implementation of network leadership.
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