Assessment of organization efficiency using an integrated model of EFQM-network data envelopment analysis
Subject Areas :
Alireza Khosravi
Mohammad Fallah
Esmaeil Najafi
1 - PhD student in industrial engineering
2 - Director of Industrial Engineering Department of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
3 - Director of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch
Keywords: Assessment of efficiency, operational indicators, Excellence model EFQM, Network Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA),
Abstract :
Establishment of the modern managerial systems is one of the most important steps for the excellence of organizations. The European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) is one of the technics that has started from Europe during the two recent decades and nowadays many organizations are in the process of implementing this model with- in their managerial domain. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a known nonparametric tool for evaluating the organization’s efficiency. In addition to having the capability to measure the total efficiency of a system, network DEA is able to calculate the efficiency of system components. Since EFQM can be considered as a multi-stage system, existence of network DEA along with it can improve the analysis. In this paper, an integrated model has been suggested based on EFQM and Network DEA for assessing the organization’s operation. For this purpose, at first the EFQM has been considered as a ‘four-stage system’ including leadership (the first stage), activities related to employees, policy, strategy and partnership (the second stage), processes (the third stage), and results (the fourth stage). Then considering 32 sub-criteria in EFQM, input and output variables have been determined for each one of the four stage s and on this basis math form for Network DEA model has been developed for this 4-satge system.
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