A dynamic combination multi criteria decision making in the paper manufacturing industry based on fuzzy VIKOR type 2 approach
Subject Areas :
Meysam Jafari Eskandari
ramin sadeghian
fataneh yarahmadi
mostafa yousefi
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Keywords: Multi criteria decision making Paper industry fuzzy VIKOR, Fuzzy type2 Decision maker.,
Abstract :
Paper manufacturing industry is one of the prominent and impactful industries in countries and societies. Leak of knowledge, awareness, information and etc. is affiliate to the existence of paper and without it, there is no chance of saving and recording the information. Each year a significant amount of paper is being produced and consumed in the world and the turnover of this industry is significant. In this research the focus is on paper industry and the providers of this service and we are seeking to prioritize the decisions based on merging of fuzzy model of second type with decision making of several complex dynamic indexes. With VIKOR in paper industry. First of all, 5 important decisions have been identified by the expertise in paper industry that includes 1) An attempt to include technology and new machines 2)Investigating on new products and diversification of products 3) Educating employees and managers 4) Organizing technical production, storage and managing the employers 5) Suitable pricing and advertising to attract new inside and outside consumers Also 6 criterions have been proposed to evaluate these decisions For evaluating the decisions, we have used the fuzzy VIKOR approach of type 2 and after going through research stages, decision number 1 and 2 gained the most priority.
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