Explanation of Human Resource Development Model Based on Islamic-Iranian Model
Subject Areas :vahid nasehi far 1 * , saeid Askari Masule 2
1 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Keywords: Human resource development, Islamic-Iranian model of progress, confirmatory factor analysis.,
Abstract :
This study seeks to explain human resource development models based on Islamic-Iranian model of progress in line with a generalized model in the selective ministries of Iran. The research method is descriptive-survey and is based on cross-sectional data. The questions are descriptive and hypotheses are relational. The main question of the research involves how the integrated model of development of human resources based on Islamic-Iranian model of progress in the ministries of Iran is. The population mean test was used to test the hypotheses and Friedman test was used to prioritize variables. Thirteen hypotheses were defined based on the models of previous studies. The population of the study includes all vice presidents and directors of human resources development who are at service for the year ended in 1395 in the selected governmental ministries. The findings of the hypotheses testing indicate the confirmation of all the variables influencing the research model. According to the results of the confirmatory factor analysis, from the organizational perspective factors like organizational justice, cross-organizational factors, training, hardware factors of the working environment, indigenousness of the model, knowledge management, national factors and software factors of the working environment and from individual perspective factors like faith-centeredness and engagement of the employees are effective on the development of human resources based on Islamic-Iranian approach of progress. Finally, the final version of the research model extracted by using confirmatory factor analysis and its fitting was approved.
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