Determining the core capabilities of the network of collaborators in Complex Product Systems R&D outsourcing (Case study: An industrial organization)
Subject Areas :
Hassan Torabi
Hossein Dehghani poodeh
Mohsen Cheshmberah
Mohammad Hussein Karimi gavareshki
Reza i Hosnav
1 - Malek Ashtar University of Technology
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Keywords: Network of collaborators R&, D projects Complex product systems Capability,
Abstract :
Network of collaborators is the most important approach of organizations in CoPS R&D projects conduction as completing such projects requires specific resources and is beyond the capabilities of a single organization. Obviously the capabilities of the network of collaborators have a significant role in mentioned collaboration. So in this paper fundamental indicator of those capabilities were firstly specified by literature review. Secondly final indicators were selected using survey of experts of a CoPS producing company. Thirdly these indicators were classified in components by expert survey and using SEM in LISREL software. These components encompass collaborators competency (incorporating knowledge and skillfulness, keeping up to date, complying to standards and financial ability), task performance capability (incorporating project quality, time and responsibility during and after project completion) and adaptability (incorporating accordance to values, time and flexibility in deliverables). The results of hypothesis tests illustrate that competency has a significant and positive impact on task performance and the latter has a similar impact on adaptability but there is no direct and significant correlation between competency and adaptability while there exists an indirect one.
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