The effect of service brand dimensions on brand loyalty with the mediating role of customer satisfaction and brand attitude: A case study of Keshavarzi Bank branches in Torbat-e Heydarieh
Subject Areas :وجیهه هوشیار 1 * , Mohammad rostampour 2
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Keywords: Service brand dimensions, Brand loyalty, Customer satisfaction, Brand attitude,
Abstract :
Today, research on brand has acquired a special position in business, because the issue, through its impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty, can be very influential in the survival and life of a service entity. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of service brand dimensions on customer loyalty to a brand. The study was conducted in the population of customers of Keshavarzi Bank branches in Torbat-e Heydarieh. We tested the effect of brand dimensions (brand evidence, brand hearsay) on customer satisfaction and brand attitude as well as the effect of brand attitude on customer loyalty through seven hypotheses. For this purpose, we used structural equation modeling and LISREL software. Hypothesis testing was conducted on a sample of 322 subjects that were selected by random sampling method. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the validity of research instrument (questionnaire), and the results showed an acceptable validity for each variable in the questionnaire (test statistic for all variables was higher than 4%). The reliability of the questionnaire was measured using Cronbach’s alpha test and the test statistic for all variable was higher than 7%, which indicates that the questionnaire has a good reliability. Moreover, all the seven hypotheses of the study were confirmed.
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