Exploring of Opportunity Identification Process in Corporate of Converging Technologies
Subject Areas :
Mohammad hashemi
Ali Mobini Dehkordi
Mohammad Reza Meigounpoory
kamal sakhdari
1 - Tehran University
2 - University of Tehran
3 - University of Tehran
4 - University of Tehran
Abstract :
In the present era, technological innovation is a key factor in the development and advancement of societies, and technological entrepreneurship is recognized as the main source of disruptive innovation through identifying and effectively exploiting technological opportunities. Given the emerging concept of "convergence" in high technologies and novel opportunities resulting from that, it is necessary to recognize the various dimensions of this phenomenon, especially the process of identifying opportunities, as the first and most fundamental step of the technological entrepreneurship process. This research is based on the epistemology of "interpretiveism" and it is exploratory and based on literature on Entrepreneurial opportunities, technological corporate entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary studies and convergent technologies. In this research, the unit of analysis, is the "opportunity identification process" and the level of analysis, is "organization" and the concept of "convergence" as the dominant approach to research has been considered. Also, the research method is qualitative and research strategy, is a multiple case study. The collection of research data has been done through a semi-structured interview and observation of archival documents. The results of the research indicate the great importance of factors such as interdisciplinary understanding, interdisciplinary absorptive capacity, and the type of human capital in the process of identifying opportunities in active companies in the field of converging technologies
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