Using Meta-Synthesis Method to Proposing a Comprehensive Model of Effective Factors in Persuasive Advertising
Subject Areas :sahar mashhadi 1 * , Tahmours Hasangholi Pouryasouri 2 , Soheila Bourghani Farahani 3 , abdolhossein karam pour 4
1 - University of Tehran
2 - University of Tehran
3 -
4 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Persuasive advertising, Model, Customer, Product,
Abstract :
Persuasive advertising is one of the effective ways of advertising, especially in the competitive business environment. Persuasive advertising is a technique that attracts customers by building trust and incentive to buy a product. Considering the necessity of attracting and increasing demand from the customer in the competitive business environment, it is necessary to identify the factors affecting convincing advertising. For this purpose, in this research, we try to define the phenomenon by explaining the dimensions and components of each dimension of effective factors on persuasive ads. In this research, using the meta-synthesis approach, we have analyzed the results and findings of previous researchers. By doing this, the factors influencing persuasive advertising in the business world were classified in six dimensions, twenty below. Finally, based on the abundance of number of codes related to the following dimensions, the conceptual framework of the research was presented.
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