Promoting Brand Personality Based on Effective Variables on Brand
Subject Areas :saeed mir 1 , ali rashidpoor 2 *
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2 - Islamic Azad University
Keywords: brand promoting brand personality equipment manufacturing companies Interpretive Structural Modeling,
Abstract :
The current study was conducted to introduce promoting brand personality based on effective variables on the brand using ISM approach. This study is on the basis of the mixed method research, both qualitative and quantitative, in a deductive-inductive paradigm. Regarding its purpose, this is a practical and a descriptive-survey research in nature and procedure. Statistical population of the current study in qualitative and quantitative was 15 people selected from experts at the university who were investigated based on purposive sampling method. Also, they were asked questions to obtain as much information as required. In qualitative section of this research, data-collection instrument of the text information is based on content analysis technique. The instrument of data collection in quantitative section was the ISM Matrix Questionnaire which its validity and reliability was measured using content validity and retesting. In qualitative section, the acquired data were analyzed using content analysis technique and MATLAB Software was used for analysis of data in quantitative section. The results of the study consist of introducing eight effective aspects in promoting brand personality which is introduced as the final model of the research. These aspects are: brand personality, brand performance, marketing mix, brand design, technology and social networks, customer, culture and social responsibility.
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