Designing and compiling a behavioral decision making model for investors considering the role of financial marketing mix using structural equation modeling
Subject Areas :Hamid reza Shokrizadeh 1 , jamal barzegari khanaghah 2 * , Hojat allah Sadeghi 3
1 - Yazd University
2 - Yazd University
3 - Yazd University
Keywords: decision making marketing marketing (7 p) emotional suppression investor behavior cognitive bias,
Abstract :
Capital markets play an important role in the economy, because the cash flow of people who can not use their funds leads to those who are capable of it. Naturally, the good performance of these markets will be a key factor in ensuring economic growth, so if capital markets are efficient, economic development will be realized. On the other hand, because of the irrational decision making of investors in the capital market, systematic errors have occurred and this leads to market failure. The present study seeks to examine the impact of the financial marketing mix(7p) on the relationship between behavioral bourgeois and investor decision making. The method of this research is applied to the purpose of the research and the method of collecting and collecting data is descriptive survey. The statistical population is real investors in Tehran Stock Exchange. 422 questionnaires were distributed. By eliminating incomplete questionnaires, 391 questionnaires were used for statistical analysis. The data was analyzed using SmartPLS and LISREL software. The results indicate that the financial marketing mix (7 p) affects the relationship between emotional and decision-making factors of investors more than cognitive biases. The two sides of the trained and promoted people have the most impact.
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