A new model to assessment factors of acceptance the information technology in healthcare section (Case study: Establishment the hospital resource planning (HRP) in governmental hospitals of the Semnan)
Subject Areas :
Ebrahim Khaleghian
Mohammad Mirbagheri Jam
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2 -
3 - Shahrood University of Technology
Keywords: information technology , technology acceptance model hospital resource planning systems health care.,
Abstract :
Nowadays, it is an essential for organisations to move forward to achieve new technologies. However, organisations should assesment all aspect of technology transfere before do it for their own organisation. In this research, the factors affecting the acceptance of the Information Technology (IT) in health section is studied. For this, establishment the Hospital Resource Planning (HRP) in governmental hospitals of the Semnan is considered as case study and to investigate the relationship between effective factors, a survey research has been used. The research population consists of 600 qualified personnel of govermental hospitals in semnam state. Sample size was obtained 147 based on kochran method. Therefore, 200 number of questionnaires include 7 dimensons based on Vakentash model were distributed via simple random sampling. 150 perfect questionnaire were gathered and data were analysed using SPSS and smart PLS 3. Results in 95% confidence interval show that lubrication of hospital proccesses is affect on both of perceived usefulness and using tendency of Hospital Resource Planning (HRP) systems. In addition, organizational facilitators can cause in increasing perceived easly using of this system. Finally, the security of hospital resource planning systems will increase the willingness of employees to use it. The results of this study provide a native model of technology acceptance in the field of health care. According to these results, issues that authorities in hospitals and upstream organizations, including the Ministry of Health, should be ensure about them have been detected.
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