The general model for lifecycle of R&D projects in research organizations with systems engineering approach
Subject Areas :
Mohammad forozandeh
abbas tahmasebi
taha hossein mortagi
1 - elmo sanat university
2 - tarbiat modarres university
3 - elmo sanat university
Keywords: Life Cycle, Research and Development, Research Organizations, General Life Cycle Model.,
Abstract :
Developing a life cycle model of R&D projects is one of the key factors for the success of research organizations. Using a standardized model leads to the creation of a common language between the organization and external providers of products, services and processes. The purpose of this paper is to present a general life cycle model for research and development in research organizations that is approved by various executives, supervisors and auditors. The model presented in this study provides a basis for evaluating the activities of executors and facilitates the evaluation and audit of research and development activities. The model has 4 dimensions, 17 components, 3 key decision points and 156 indicators. Model dimensions include need assessment processes, sample design and construction, manufacturing engineering and production management, and operation and support. The validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was evaluated by 9 experts and 3 questions were omitted. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.982 was also used to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire. These results support all the research hypotheses and the rank of the components in each dimension is also determined. According to the results, the need assessment dimension is more important in the life cycle of research and development of research organizations. Using this research model enables research organizations to effectively implement the processes needed for research and development and assists managers and stakeholders in decision making and decision making.
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