Investigating the impact of future-oriented talent management on career success; explaining the mediating role of Proactive Career behaviors
Subject Areas :Mohammad Jafari 1 , nasim mousavi 2 , Ali Shariat nejad 3 * , Reza Vali nejad, 4
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Keywords: future-oriented talent management, career path success, Proactive Career behaviors, South Oil and Gas Companies.,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of future-oriented talent management on the success of employees' career through the mediating role of Proactive Career behaviors. This research is an applied research and is a descriptive survey research. The statistical population of this study was 384 people who work in South Oil and Gas Companies that were estimated using Cochran formula and cluster sampling method. The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by content validity method and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha method. In this study, structural equation modeling approach and Smart Pls2 and Spss 19 software were used. The results show that future-oriented talent management has a positive and significant effect on career success and Proactive Career behaviors. The results also indicate that proactive career behaviors have a mediating role in the impact of future-oriented talent management on career success.
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