New product development performance success determinants: A qualitative meta-study
Subject Areas :
Alireza Katouziyan
Javad Mashayekh
1 - Iran University of Science and Technology
2 - Assistant professor - Iran University of Science and Technology
Keywords: new product development (NPD), product development performance, firm performance, innovation, meta-synthesis,
Abstract :
Objective: Succeeding at new product development (NPD) is a major challenge for businesses today. So, identifying and categorizing the performance success determinants of new product development is a crucial issue that requires deep research. In this paper, we tried to provide a comprehensive conceptual model for categorizing the determinants of NPD performance success. Methodology: The adopted research method is a qualitative meta-study or meta synthesis and based on the seven-step process proposed by Sandelowski & Barroso (2007). The statistical population of the research is all scientific documents, research reports and articles indexed in domestic and foreign journals related to the performance and success of new product development in the period from 2010 to 2021. The three-step coding method was used to analyze the qualitative data. Originality: By analyzing the 32 selected articles, finally 96 initial codes were identified and reported in the form of 24 sub-categories and 6 main categories. The findings of this paper show that numerous factors determining the success of NPD can be classified into six categories, including: product marketing management, project cost and financial management, strategic business management, supportive context and enablers, project strategic capabilities and inclusive learning. The careful attention of business managers to these issues can greatly guarantee the success of NPD.
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