Optimal Selection of Industrial Building Systems using Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Case Study in Schools of Kerman Province
Subject Areas :
Amirabbas Abouei Mehrizi
Hamzeh Dehghani
1 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Higher Education Complex of Bam, Bam, Iran
2 - Department of Civil Engineering, Higher Education Complex of Bam, Bam, Iran
Keywords: Industrial building systems, Analytic hierarchy process, Cost criterion, Time criterion, Execution criterion, Quality and technical capability criterion.,
Abstract :
Objective: The aim of this research is to select the optimal industrial building systems in the schools of Kerman province using the hierarchical analysis. necessity: Industrialization of buildings as systematic method to improve the quality and speed of construction has been considered by construction policymakers. in recent years, industrialization is policies the School Renovation, Development and Equipping Organization. Methodology: Four main criteria and twenty sub-criteria were identified to evaluate industrial systems suitable for schools. According to the eleventh national building regulations, lightweight steel frame (LSF), prefabricated concrete buildings, reinforced concrete structural wall system with permanent insulation mold and three-dimensional prefabricated panel system have been used for evaluation. In this research, the hierarchical analysis process approach has been used in order to rank the effective factors in the optimal selection of industrial building systems in the schools of Kerman province. Findings: the data analysis was done using the hierarchical method. The results show that LSF with a score of 0.303 is the most suitable option. the score of prefabricated concrete building system, three-dimensional style prefabricated panel system and reinforced concrete structural wall system with permanent insulation mold were obtained as 0.266, 0.22 and 0.21 respectively. Conclusion: Four main criteria have been used in this research. The results obtained from the data analysis show that the criterion of practicability is the most important criterion with a relative weight of 0.427. according to quality and technical ability, cost and time with relative weights of 0.401, 0.106 and 0.067 were placed in next priorities.
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