Aggregate Production Planning Of L.M.I Corporation Using Grey Goal Programming Approach
Subject Areas :سید محمدعلی خاتمی فیروزآبادی 1 , وحید پیری 2 *
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2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Keywords: Aggregate Production Planning Goal Programming Grey Theory Grey Mathematics L.M.I Company,
Abstract :
Nowadays, the organizations’ success depends on planning. The purpose of medium term production planning is optimum usage of human resource, equipment, and capacity to meet demand during a given period. Always, in the organizations, there are multiple and sometimes conflicting goals in planning. On the other hand, production planning models should be designed so that to be able to deal with uncertainty and lack of information. Grey goal programming technique is the way that not only consider multiple and conflicting goals but also it is able to deal with uncertainty and lack of information. In this research, in order to develop the L.M.I Company’s medium - term production planning is used grey goal programming model.