The role of Organizational Culture in Manager’s Inclination toward Accepting the Green Production Technology in casting industry
Subject Areas :
gholamreza hashemzade khorasegani
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Keywords: Green Production organizational culture casting industry Green Production Technology,
Abstract :
This study is aimed at investigating the role of Organizational Culture in Manager’s Inclination toward Accepting the Green Production Technology. Using simple randomization of administerial and executive staff, a population of 115 Iranian casting industry experts, administrators, and managers in the year 2015 was selected for the present study. The size of the sample required in this study was 88 according to Cochran’s formula and, a sample of 90 members was examined investigated based on Krejcie and Morgan Table. The data were analyzed using structural equations. Attending to the non-normal distribution of the data as indicated by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, a non-parametric test was used to analyze the relationships. Combined reliability, internal consistency, and internal validity of the model, as well as the predictive validity at construct level, were proved during data analysis. Positive values of the CV Com index were suggestive of the high quality of the model. Finally, the GOF index was found to be 0.723. Considering 0.1, 0.25, and 0.36, proposed as weak, moderate, and strong values for the GOF index respectively, the obtained value of 0.723 indicates the overall appropriateness and good practice of the model and stands in a strong point on a weak-strong continuum. Based on the findings of this study, organizational culture has a direct impact on the acceptance of the Green Production Technology.
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