An appropriate model for knowledge management to enhance a R&D department in a manufacturing industry
Subject Areas :Masoud Latifian 1 , Reza Tavakoli Moghadam 2 * , Taghi Torabi 3
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Keywords: Knowledge management Research & development Technology management Analytical hierarchy process,
Abstract :
In this paper, the subject of knowledge management and research & development (R&D) is discussed a little in manufacturing and industrial companies; therefore, more studies in this field are needed. It is the first time that such study is carried out in Iran. At first, the literature of the relevant subject and different models of knowledge management and R&D is considered and then two models out of the existing models after consulting with experts, university professors and examining the specifications of the company are selected. Additionally, two questionnaires (general& specialized) are designed by the some experts and academic professors. The goal of the general questionnaire is to consider the effect of elements of knowledge management on the R&D department. At first, the research hypotheses are examined and then an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method is utilized to prioritize the elements and technologies of the R&D department. The obtained results show that creation formation and educational technology have the highest effect, respectively.
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