An Integrated DEMATEL and Fuzzy ANP Techniques Based Assessment Model For Intrapreneurship with Approach EFQM
Subject Areas :Kazem Nasiri Kashani 1 * , Fazlolah Jamalou 2 , Leila Kiani 3
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Keywords: Intrapreneurship, EFQM Excellence Model, Fuzzy analytic network process, Fuzzy Dematel ,
Abstract :
In today's world, quick changes have varied the competition and also have faced organizational stakeholders with world’s challenges. In this turbulence environment, Intrapreneurship is functionality that can save today's systems as a new phenomenon in the economy at this critical period and play a more active role in economic development. Today, business excellence models also have an important role to deploy the key factors of organizational success and make performance improvements. These models provide the assessment criteria in both enablers and results and make guidelines for organizations to measure their progress and performance in the field of quality and organizational excellence. So it allows creating the needed infrastructure and capabilities for Intrapreneurship based on the EFQM Excellence Model. Therefore, after identifying the effective factors of implementation Intrapreneurship, these features are classified due to their nature at four main criteria include "leadership", "Policy and Strategy", "employees" and "partnerships, resources and processes" that all of them are the enablers of the EFQM model. This paper presents an analytical modeling method that makes practicable a qualitative relationship between the elements of Intrapreneurship. We used the integrated approach of fuzzy Dematel and fuzzy modeling network analysis to determine the relationship and weight relative importance of each element in model. The results indicated “leadership” at the main criteria level has the most highly effect and “employees” has the most important coefficient. Also "senior management support" has the highest importance coefficient and highly effect in the sub-criteria. In this study we presented individual entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurship assessment model that is a comprehensive model and can be used in different organizations and finally we evaluated this model in Iran Power Development Company.
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