Developing a Model for Managerial Skills Development of Iran Automotive Industry Managers in World-Class
Subject Areas :Alireza Khojastehpour 1 * , Mohammadreza Pourebrahimi 2 , Seyed Akbar Nilipour Tabatabaee 3
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2 - University of Tehran
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Keywords: Managerial skills world-class automotive industry,
Abstract :
One of the concerns of the automotive companies to bridge the gap between the current situation and globalization is the need for managers who have the strict management skills, and have a scientific and practical training. In this study, the model of development of management skills of auto industry in world-class developed and in addition to ranking managerial skills, characteristics of each skills are ranked and recognized. In this study, for the development of literature using library resources and taking notes to gather information about the features of the global director and managerial skills assessed And then according to the experts and using the Delphi technique characteristic of global managers and management skills of managers were identified and classified. Then, the accuracy of the classification characteristics were investigated through Kappa test. After the questionnaire was designed and distributed to 470 managers of the automotive industry in Iran to investigate and test the model. Data collected using Spss and descriptive statistics, Smirnov, Kolmogorov and Friedman were analyzed. The model fitness based on structural equation modeling and using Lisrel software was monitored.
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