A model to collaborate on R&D projects based on TRL
Subject Areas :
Hassan Torabi
Hossein Dehghani poodeh
Mohsen Cheshmberah
Mohammad Hussein Karimi gavareshki
Reza i Hosnav
1 - Malek Ashtar University of Technology
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Keywords: Collaboration, R&, D, Complex product systems, TRL, Fuzzy cognitive mapping,
Abstract :
Regarding the importance of CoPS in providing the organization with technological capability and the differences existing between these systems and mass products, it is essential to develop a model to collaborate on CoPS R&D. Exploitation of the capabilities of the network of collaborators is a desirable option due to inability of the organization in providing the resources comprising finance, human, facilities and expertise. Reviewing the literature on CoPS and technological collaboration incorporating the kind and motivations of collaborators and organizational forms of collaboration and interviewing 18 experts of the organization, a model was developed based on TRL approach and fuzzy cognitive mapping tool. Considering the model developed, the steps of project is classified into 3 categories: Green(able to be collaborated in network), Yellow (able to be collaborated on condition) and red (unable to be collaborated). The role of the members of the network and the strategy of collaborating with them is specified as follows: R&D contract with universities and consulting agents, Educational acquisition with faculty members, outsourcing the projects intended as military service compensation, and R&D contract or research funding with knowledge-based institutions. On the other hand, the position of technology developing and designing centers is specified employing the national innovation system as an upper hand document. Validity of model is proven by checklist of good theories.
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