Presenting a hybrid BSC-DEA Model with the presence of uncontrollable inputs and outputs to measure performance
Subject Areas :
Ali Namakin
Seyyed Esmaeil Najafi
Mohammad Fallah
Mehrdad Javadi
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Keywords: Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Data Envelopment Analysis Performance evaluation ,
Abstract :
Strategy is the most crucial long-term source for the growth of organizations; and in the case, that there is a lack, in the implementation of successful strategy, even if appropriate ones are adopted, this process is incompetent. In order to execute and apply these programs appropriately, with the exception of the financial characteristics, organizations must also be assessed simultaneously from other facets. The Balanced Scorecard which focuses on four aspects, such as financial, as a result of performance in the past (past indexes) and the three aspects of, processes, customer, growth and learning and centers on the (future indexes), is considered as a comprehensive framework for assessing performance and the progress of strategy. Moreover, we are aware that many factors have an influence on organizations and some from the viewpoint of control get out of domain, and it is vital that from this angle, the amount of impact is assessed. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the best mathematical methods to compute the efficiency of organizations. In that, the Balance Scorecard method proves to be of high standing for the evaluation of performance, one of its weak points is that, it lacks a quantitative measurement in respect to the organization’s performance in utilizing a mathematical mode. To solve this problem, DEA has been adopted. In this paper, we have attempted to combine these two abovementioned systems and efforts have been made to use BSC as a tool for designing the performance assessment indexes and from DEA, which has been used as a tool to evaluate the performance in the presence of uncontrollable indexes.
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