Identifying and prioritizing key abilities affecting on successful technology transfer process in petrochemical downstream industries
Subject Areas :
abbas khamseh
Yadollah sadeghi
Mehrdad Hosseini Shkaib
taqi torabi
1 - science and researches branch-islsmic azad university
2 - science and researches branch-islsmic azad university
3 - Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
4 - science and researches branch-islsmic azad university
Keywords: Technology Transfer Process, Petrochemical downstream industries, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Analytic Network Process (ANP),
Abstract :
Despite the importance of developing petrochemical industries, most of the country's exports in the petrochemical industry have been limited to raw materials and semi-industries, which is due to the incapability to acquire appropriate technology in the downstream industries. Technology transfer is one of the most important shortcut methods for acquiring and developing technologies in these industries, but one of the most important challenges is the managers' little familiarity with the technology transfer process and the abilities it requires. The aim of this study is to identify and prioritize the effective abilities in the success of the technology transfer process in the downstream, petrochemical industries, and for this purpose a combined method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) has been used. In this regard, the content validity was confirmed by CVR and CVI forms and the final questionnaire was distributed and collected by the Porsline system among the statistical population and in order to investigate the accuracy of the theoretical model of the research, factor analysis with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and AMOS software was used. The results of this stage of the study indicate that 82 indicators in 8 ability factors affect the success of the technology transfer process in petrochemical downstream industries and the effectiveness of all 8 factors is ability at the semantic level. On the other hand, prioritizing the abilities that affect the success of the technology transfer process was done through the Analytic Network Process and Super Decisions software. The results show that technology dissemination abilities are the first priority, and technology adaptation abilities as well as development and improvement abilities are the second and third priorities.
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