Presentation of IoT Policies Pattern in Iran through Applying of Thematic Analysis Method
Subject Areas :Leyla Hasanzadeh Garavand 1 , Mahdi Abdolhamid 2 * , Amir Zakery 3
1 - Master student of Iran University of Science and Technology
2 - Assistant Professor, Iran University of Science and Industry
3 - Assistant Professor of Iran University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Public Policy Making, Internet of Things Internet of Things Ecosystem, Internet of Things Problems, Thematic Analysis,
Abstract :
This paper is based on a perspective view of the potential of the impact of emerging technologies such as the IoT on developing countries, and, by understanding the challenges of the IoT in Iran, presents a pattern of internet of Things policies in the country. The essence of the present research is exploratory descriptive. In the process of data analysis, the present study utilizes methods of library studies and semi-structured interviews. The method of thematic analysis is the main method of this research. Interviews were analyzed in 548 basic themes, 56 organizing themes, and 13 comprehensive themes. Finally, the themes were formulated as IoT policies in Iran. Among the most important of these policies are the establishment and strengthening of IoT policy bodies with legal competencies for the sustainable development of IoT;to provide a platform for the production of integrated and extensive applications by creative groups based on government oversight and support;localization of IoT in accordance with Iranian Islamic culture for its acceptance and development of internal laws and standards of IoT in line with international standards and active supervision. The major innovation is that it goes beyond the requirements and presents operational policies for the development of IoT.
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