Designing an Innovation System and Attraction Idea in an Intelligent Electric Energy Network Based on Framing and Structural Equation Analysis
Subject Areas :
Fatemeh Saghafi
1 - Associate Prof. of University of Tehran
2 - Tehran University
3 -
4 - Tehran University
Keywords: Open innovation, knowledge management, framing, structural equations,
Abstract :
Undoubtedly, one of the main drivers of economic development in any country is the spread of technological innovations. Since Shumpeter, in his famous book in 1912, Emphasizes the role of innovation as a factor in the economic growth of nations, Many thinkers in this field trying to explain the concept of innovation and the causes of its formation and its implications in various economic, social and managerial contexts. This research is based on a comprehensive understanding of technology and knowledge management system, Trying to extract key factors in the success of a knowledge management system In order to improve the performance of the technology and Consequently, it has created an idea of absorption in intelligent electrical energy networks. The purpose of this paper is to design an innovation and absorption system in an intelligent electric energy network based on a framing approach and structural equation analysis. to this purpose First, theoretical model with respect to the research background and also the concept of mental accounting and the framing effect developed. and then, based on the views of a sample of the statistical community of academic experts and scholars, The model was designed and optimized in the form of structural equations.
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