Designing a commercial model of innovative ideas in companies in the field of information technology and banking communications
Subject Areas :
علی اکبر jowkar
zohreh Feyzabadi
Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand
حمیدرضا وزیری گهر
1 - Assistant Professor of Business Management, Payame Noor University, ،Tehran،Iran
2 -
3 - Mahmoudi Maymand, Associated professor of Departmentof Business Administration & MBA, Payame Noor University،Tehran،Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Business Management, Payame Noor University،, Iran
Keywords: Commercialization, Innovation, Information and Communication Technology Companies, Grounded Theory,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to design and explain the commercialization model of innovative ideas in companies in the field of information technology and banking communications. The present research is developmental in terms of purpose and descriptive-exploratory in terms of method. Grounded theory strategy has been used to collect qualitative data. Participants in this study include managers and officials of information and communication technology companies in the banking industry. Based on the results of open and axial coding, factors such as keeping pace with environmental developments, strategic factors, managerial factors, cultural factors, quality of organizational communication, commercialization of ideas in the industry, including causal factors affecting the commercialization pattern of innovative ideas in companies Areas of information and banking technology. Also, communication networks, participation platforms, intellectual property of ideas, research capacities, high level support and flexible organizational structure are among the necessary infrastructures for commercialization of innovative ideas in companies in the field of information technology and banking communications. On the other hand, legal challenges, ideas evaluation challenges, organizational damage to the organization, unexpected environmental developments and strategic challenges are among the factors interfering in the commercialization of innovative ideas in companies in the field of information technology and banking. Also categorized are the development of absorption capacities, development of research and development capacities, development of quality of evaluation teams, conversion of ideas into products or services, development of participation capacities, development of organizational networks.
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