Imposing learning based roadmap for the application of Industry 4 Internet of Things in the health care products industry
Subject Areas :
Niloofar Aminikalibar
Fatemeh saghafi
mansure hoorali
1 - graduate of Tehran University
2 - Associate Professor of Technology Management, University of Tehran
3 - Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Technology roadmapping, learning, Internet of Things, Sale and distribution of Health care products, Dephi,
Abstract :
There is a difference in the technology development model between developing and developed countries. In developing countries, it commences with learning the technology from innovations takes place in developed ones. Thus, the driving engine of technology development in late countries is learning the technology instead of providing innovation; in the way that the core of activities, organizations and communications are all concentrating on learning. The combination of virtual and real world has created a concept named as Industry 4.0. Nowadays, the application of Industry 4.0 in different scopes is expanding; applying it there requires setting a roadmap. This research aims to propose a learning-based roadmap for the application of industry 4.0 (especially the Internet of Things) in the sale and distribution of healthcare products. Here, there has been used the learning-based roadmapping method, the process of which is explained in eight steps. Two groups of a distinct expert panel including the business industry and technology industry contributed to this research; the Delphi method has been used to guarantee the convergence. The paper’s result can be used as a pattern for deployment in other related fields and secondly guidance in the industry to estimate required funds in the sale and distribution of health care products.
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