Presenting the strategic model of green marketing to obtain competitive advantage components in Kaleh food industry
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Reza Alizadeh
mahdi haghighi kafash
babak hajikarimi
1 - Business Management, Marketing Management, Faculty of Management & Accounting , Azad University, Abhar و Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Business Administration, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
3 - 2- Assistant Professor of Business Administration وFaculty of Management & Accounting. Azad University, Abhar و Iran
Keywords: Green brand, competitive advantage, strategic, strategy, Kaleh,
Abstract :
Objective: The current researcher presents the strategic model of the green brand to achieve the success of competitive components in the food industry, which is done by a combined (qualitative-quantitative) method. Methodology: In this research, in the qualitative phase, using open codes, axes and selection were used, and experts in the food industry, including managers and equipment of Kaleh Company, were selected as samples. Data collection tool in the quantitative part, Excel and SMS software are used. Findings: The findings of the research include 10 dimensions (available resources, innovations, strategies, capabilities, requirements, research and development, facilities and equipment, value creation, entrepreneurship and cost leadership), 6 components (human and support resources, social capital and behavior organizational culture and .performance and opportunities) and 88 indicators were identified. Conclusion: Companies that follow green marketing (especially Kaleh Food Industry Company), try to use company processes and marketing methods to balance environmental, economic and social dimensions to ensure long-term development, to attract customers and Use participation in society. The fit of the model was calculated through the GOF model as the geometric mean of R2 and the mean of sharing, which has a value of 0.830, it showed that the model was favorable and as a result, the overall model was confirmed. Also, the comparison of the research results with the research conducted in this field shows that the results of the research are consistent with the conducted research
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