Relation between Knowledge Management and Effectiveness of Small and Low-Tech Enterprises
Subject Areas :سعيد حسين رفيعي 1 * , سمانه همايوني 2 , حبيبالله طاهرپور كلانتري 3
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Keywords: Knowledge management SME’s Technology effectiveness,
Abstract :
Along with development in management literature, several solutions have been introduced to improve the effectiveness of organizations. Knowledge management as one of these solutions has been widely considered and using it, as a new method, is one of the organization’s necessities. But firstly this point should be mentioned that prior to the current development of knowledge management literature, knowledge management existed in organizations in traditional ways for years and should be considered in any new development in this field. Secondly, it has been observed that sometimes knowledge management new solutions are considered independent from their roles in organization effectiveness and KM comprehensive systems are recommended by management consultants as a definite effectiveness promotion solution. This article reflects the results of a research that has been conducted with two main goals, in organizations with small size and low technology level. First, study the level of knowledge management, in its traditional form in these organizations. Second, study the relationship between KM and effectiveness of these organizations.