Operational agility impact on organizational performance in service organizations (Iranian banks for instance)
Subject Areas :مهدی ارجلو 1 * , kamran feizi 2 , abolfazl kazazi 3 , mohammad taghi taghavi fard 4
1 -
2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
3 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
4 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Keywords: operational agility service industry agility dimensions agility providers ,
Abstract :
In recent years the concept of agility has been considered in many academic research that shows the importance of this concept in the current business world and is due to the emergence of powerful competitors, rapid technological change, changing expectations of customers, new social patterns and etc . ability of an service organization in monitoring and exploiting opportunities in the service sector while has many similarities with manufacturing sector ,but requaiers special finesse and this study, developing concept of agility to service sector want to test its effect on bank performance.The study population consisted of all 30 banks are active in Iran with at least five years experience in the industry .Due to the exploratory nature of this research, after reviewing the literature in the field of agility, providers and dimensions of service organizations operational agility and operational agility via interview with Bank experts identified and to measure its impact on organizational performance PLS-SEM was used .The findings show, operational agility has significant positive impact on organizational performance. Also among the factors affecting organizational performance by mediating variable operational agility, human resources, has the greatest impact.
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Operational agility impact on organizational performance in service organizations (Iranian banks for instance)
In recent years the concept of agility has been considered in many academic research that shows the importance of this concept in the current business world and is due to the emergence of powerful competitors, rapid technological change, changing expectations of customers, new social patterns and etc . ability of an service organization in monitoring and exploiting opportunities in the service sector while has many similarities with manufacturing sector ,but requaiers special finesse and this study, developing concept of agility to service sector want to test its effect on bank performance.The study population consisted of all 30 banks are active in Iran with at least five years experience in the industry .Due to the exploratory nature of this research, after reviewing the literature in the field of agility, providers and dimensions of service organizations operational agility and operational agility via interview with Bank experts identified and to measure its impact on organizational performance PLS-SEM was used .The findings show, operational agility has significant positive impact on organizational performance. Also among the factors affecting organizational performance by mediating variable operational agility, human resources, has the greatest impact.
Key words: operational agility, service industry, agility dimensions, agility providers