Impact of SC Enablers on SC Sustainability with moderating role of SC performance in machine made carpet industry of Iran.
Subject Areas :Esmaeil Mazroui Nasrabadi 1 * , abbas shoul 2
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Keywords: supply chain sustainability supply chain enablers supply chain performance.,
Abstract :
One problem of machine made carpet industry problems is short life, then attending to sustainability is crucial. In recent years, social dimension, environmental dimension and financial dimension is regarded as sustainability dimensions. For achieving sustainability, diverse enablers have been introduced. The role of SC performance in this relationship is vague. In this study we investigated Impact of SC Enablers on SC Sustainability with moderating role of SC performance in machine made carpet industry of Iran. Statistical Society in first step is expert and in the second step is machine made carpet firms. For analyzing data, we use Delphi, EFA and DFA. Result has been showed that SC performance has the mediation role in the relationship between enablers and sustainability. In enabler's dimension, knowledge and info management and good relationship have the first importance. In SC performance and SC sustainability we didn't see any difference.
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