The Survey the Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Innovation Capacity
Subject Areas :fakhrieh Hamidianpour 1 * , ZAHRA HASIRI 2
1 - 1Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
2 -
Keywords: strategic human resource management Strategic partner change agent, innovation capacity Partial Least Squares.,
Abstract :
the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of strategic human resource management on Innovation Capacity. this research method is descriptive survey experts knowledge -based firms in Bushehr province that 72 experts was selected by simple random sampling. In order to analyse the data SPSS and Smart PLS software were used. The results showed that knowledge-based firms in Bushehr province in terms of strategic roles of human resources and capacity for innovation and other components are above average and have an acceptable situation. Other findings show that the strategic management of human resources has a positive impact on innovation capacity and the strategic management of human resources through organizational learning impact on innovation capacity as well as.
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