Recognition of the sources of knowledge in the creation of Islamic knowledge
Subject Areas :Mostafa Jafarpishe 1 * , محمد سعید جبل عاملی 2
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Keywords: Islamic knowledge sensory knowledge empirical knowledge intellectual knowledge Quran Sunnah,
Abstract :
As sensory and experimental data are considered to be a source of knowledge and as intellectual data are considered to be a source of knowledge, the knowledge that is taught by the prophets to mankind is too, another source of knowledge. This paper deals with a fresh look at the sources of knowledge acquisition, process of acquisition, extraction and inference of Islamic knowledge from two sources of Quran and Sunnah, based on the statements of knowledge about the existence and phenomena of creation, in these two sources. in this paper, the concept of Islamic knowledge is cognition and knowledge that is first take from the religion of Islam, Quran and Sunnah, and secondly, that is related to the postulates of religion and reality of the universe in general and widespread, both materialistic and non - materialistic. But the recommendations of the Quran and the Sunnah will be directly excluded from our discussion.
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