The concept of Urban Entrepreneurship with grounded Theory aproach (case study:Tehran city)
Subject Areas :
mina shahamat nejad
babak ziyae
Majid Ashrafi
Fereydoon Azma
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2 - Tehran University
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4 -
Keywords: : entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship of urban , entrepreneurship of woman, workingwomen, data-based theory,
Abstract :
The objective of this research is the design of a development process of urban entrepreneurship in workingwomen in Tehran city. The current research has a qualitative approach and utilizes the theory based on data. After selecting 14 outstanding urban entrepreneurs and woman using targeted sampling and semi-structured interviews, the data ware acquired. Then analyzed in three stages of selective, axial and open coding, leading to the identification of 4 main branches with 41 sub-branches. The results verify that the main aspects of the development model of urban entrepreneurship consists of causal factors (no discrimination, Family support, social values and norms, Religion and beliefs, establishment of supporting laws, Securing Women, development of technical and professional education,Provision of facilities and Promotion of entrepreneurial culture, Infrastructures, Methods and processes and Social innovations), the intervening factors(support of the public and private sectors, presence of media,System of education,Fixes barriers and permissions, community associations, External incentives,Support for new ideas and ideas, Parallel support services,Economic fluctuations,Social capital and Marketing services and promotions) and contextual conditions(Entrepreneurial behavior,Trust and Belief in Women's Ability, Experience and skill Inner encouragement, culture of the society, supervision and assessment, supportive statutory laws for ladies, Coordination between women, Network and communication skills and people) By shaping the policies and organizing educational plans, training courses, and empowering of women, as well as establishment of supportive units for the development, identification of the opportunities, Developing Protective Rules,Training and development of entrepreneurs and stability of the economy, the abovementioned factors might lead to a cultural, social and economic development, employment of women, motivation and tendency towards entrepreneurship, investment security and initiation and development of entrepreneurship among women. The outcomes of this research, improve the knowledge of researches in this area with regard to the objectives, challenges and consequences of the development model of entrepreneurship for workingwomen.
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