Compatibility of the network of credit supply network of the country's banking system using a super-interpretive approach (soft systems (SSM) and critical innovative systems (CSH)) (Study of financing technology companies through Bank Mellat)
Subject Areas :Eissa Jabbarzadeh 1 , Ebrahim Teimoury 2 * , Saeed Shavalpour 3
1 - PhD student in the field of technology management, Faculty of Advancement Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
2 - Associate Professor of Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
3 - Assistant professor of Iran University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Technology companies, credit supply chain, soft systems, critical innovation system, problem solving,
Abstract :
In recent years, "technology-based start-ups" have attracted the attention of many researchers and policymakers in various countries as the engine of rapid economic growth. The high growth rate of job creation, sales, exports and capital of these companies, and especially their role in creating high-quality job opportunities, has put these companies in the spotlight of policymakers in many countries around the world. Banks are recognized as an important institution in financing, which will help improve the financing and credit process of technology-based companies by providing banking facilities and will somehow survive them. However, in recent years, despite the economic problems of banks, financing companies has faced many challenges, so considering the importance of financing technology companies in the country, as well as the diversity and range of experts involved, in this article in order to deal with conflicting perspectives and achieve common vision to organize and manage more effectively and efficiently, a combination of soft systems (SSM) methodology and a critical innovation systems (CSH) approach has been used. After explaining the common points of the two approaches, we will reach a common and radical definition of the problems of the credit network in the country's banking system by conducting in-depth interviews with specialists and experts in this field. After reviewing the processes governing the credit system of technology companies in the banking industry using the approach of critical innovative systems and after criticizing the situation and the state of "is" and "should" and new requirements to improve the current situation, the criteria for improving the process should be extracted.
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