Designing a Model of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the Regional Innovation System (Case Study: Yazd Province Special Science and Technology Zone)
Subject Areas :علی صفاری دربرزی 1 , habib zare ahmadabadi 2 * , seyed reza salami 3 , Davood Andalib Ardakani 4
1 - yazd university
2 - yazd university
3 - allame tabatabayi university
4 - yazd university
Keywords: Science and Technology Policy, Innovation, Regional Innovation System, Interpretive Structural Modeling.,
Abstract :
Due to the complexity of science, technology and innovation system, policymakers and decision-makers are concerned by designing a comprehensive model for policy making in this field. Therefore, it is essential to understand and extract relationships of science, technology and innovation policy indices. The purpose of this research is to identify and establish the link between indices in the form of regional innovation system. For this purpose, in the first step, using the review of the literature of research as well as the use of experts' opinions, the most important dimensions of the model of policymaking of science, technology and innovation were identified. Then, in the next step, interpretive structural modeling technique was used to communicate and sequence between the main dimensions and presenting the relational model. According to the results, 56 indicators in eight main dimensions were ranked in five levels. With the validation of the model, using structural equation modeling, it was determined that the two dimensions of the institutions and resources of science and technology are the basic foundations of science, technology and innovation policy in the special field of science and technology in Yazd province that the policymaking process is practically from these two dimensions of the beginning gets.
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