Identifying the Influential Factors on the Innovation Culture Based on the Exploratory Blend Approach
Subject Areas :Alireza Aliahmadi 1 * , nahid saravi-moghadam 2
1 - عضو هیات علمی
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Keywords: innovation culture, exploratory factor analysis, path analysis,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to identify the key components of innovation culture derived from expert experiences and literature review. The presentation of a conceptual model based on path analysis is based on the exploratory blend of model design. This research was carried out in a mixed way. In qualitative section, the method of grounded theories was used. After performing the research with a qualitative approach, we extracted 111 indexes with a comprehensive interview and the exploratory factor analysis method was used to reduce the number of variables affecting the innovative culture and the formation of a new structure based on the correlation between the variables. Finally, the path analysis was used to determine the direct and indirect effects on innovation culture were used. The number of questionnaires collected was 140, which was collected randomly from the directors and experts of the dairy industry of Mazandaran province. The results show that there is a positive and significant effect between the variables of supportive mechanism, leadership, technology, potential absorption capacity, organizational change and strategy and infrastructure necessary for innovation on innovation culture. The results also support the positive and significant impact of innovation culture on organizational ambidexterity, the acquisition of sustainable competitive advantage, and the implementation of innovation.
مومنی،منصور؛ فعال قیومی، علی؛ (1395)، تحلیل آماری با استفاده از spss، انتشارات کتاب نو.
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