Designing a conceptual model of human resource risks and determining control strategies. Case of study: Yazd Municipality Freight and Passenger Transportation Organization
Subject Areas :
Mona Esmailzadeh
Mahdi Zarea Kamali
1 -
2 - student
Keywords: Risk, Human resource risk, ISM.,
Abstract :
Risks related to human resources can become an important part of business risks. Although often identified as risks resulting from non-compliance with occupational safety requirements, they can have broader and deeper impacts. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design a human resource risk model and determine its control strategies in the cargo and passenger transportation organization of Yazd Municipality.The current research is mixed in nature and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection. At first, the risks of human resources were identified and categorized through interviews with the experts of Yazd Municipality Cargo and Passenger Transport Organization. Then, a panel consisting of experts was formed and the conceptual model of human resources risks was designed through the structural-interpretive modeling method, and finally control solutions were presented. Through interviews with experts, 39 human resource risks were obtained in the form of 7 categories. by using the members of the expert panel, the human resources risk model was designed, which has the most impact on the organization's management issues and the risk of knowledge and skills of human resources, the risk of physical and mental health of human resources, the risk of human capital and Behavioral risk of human resources has the most effectiveness.Investigating and controlling human resource risks is very important for organizations that are interested in improving performance. For this reason, it is better for managers, policy makers and planners of the organization not to neglect the benefits of identifying and analyzing human resource risks at different levels.
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