Identifying the Influential Factors on Innovation Culture, Organizational Ambidexterity and Competitive Advantage
Subject Areas :nahid saravi-moghadam 1 , Alireza Aliahmadi 2 *
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2 - عضو هیات علمی
Keywords: innovation culture, gaining competitive advantage, Organizational ambidexterity, structural equation modeling.,
Abstract :
: Organizations are always seeking competitive advantage in order to compete and to continue to grow. The innovation and diffusion of innovation culture is one of the most important ways to achieve it. In present research, we have attempted to model and explain the direct effect and indirect effects of factors influencing innovation culture, organizational ambidexterity and gaining competitive advantage. Methodology: The present study is a developmental and, in terms of approach, a mixture of both qualitative and quantitative. The data gathering tool was interviewed by experts and a questionnaire. Data analysis is a structural equation modeling technique using Spss and Smartpls software. The number of collected questionnaires was 140, which was collected from the managers of the dairy industry of Mazandaran province by stratified random sampling. Conclusion: The results show that there is a positive and significant effect between the variables of supportive mechanism, leadership, technology, potential absorption capacity, organizational ambidexterity and strategy, on innovation culture. The results also show the positive and significant impact of innovation culture on organizational Ambidexterity, gaining sustainable competitive advantage and implementing innovation. The potential absorption potential has a positive and significant effect on organizational ambidexterity, and also potential absorption capacity through technology and organizational change has a positive and significant effect on organizational Ambidexterity. The organizational change has a positive and significant effect on organizational ambidexterity both directly and through technology.
آذر، عادل؛ غلامزاده، رسول؛ قنواتی، مهدی، (1391)، مدلسازی مسیری- ساختاری در مدیریت، کاربرد نرم افزار SmartPLS، انتشارات نگاه دانش.
سعادت، اسفندیار، (1395)، مدیریت منابع انسانی، انتشارات سمت.
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