• ghafari.esmaeel Identify the factors that influence public-private participation in urban civil engineering projects and provide an appropriate model. Case Study: Tehran Municipality. [ Vol.19, Issue 63 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Ghafourian shagerdi.Amir The Effect of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Performance and Competitiveness in a Chadormaloo Iron Ore Mine [ Vol.19, Issue 65 - Winter Year 1399]
  • ghafourian shagerdi.amir Analyzing the role of lifestyle and ethnicism on consumer judgment about domestic products [ Vol.19, Issue 62 - Spring Year 1399]
  • ghayour baghbani.seyed morteza The Effect of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Performance and Competitiveness in a Chadormaloo Iron Ore Mine [ Vol.19, Issue 65 - Winter Year 1399]
  • ghiasi.samane Proposing a Framework for Modifying and Improving Processes Using the Combination of QFD Approach and Multi-criteria Decision Making Based on BPMN.2 Standard [ Vol.19, Issue 64 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • gholami.ramzan Assessing the impact of passion on social media on intention of revisit tourists with a mediating role of customer interaction with customer (Case study: Tourists of Isfahan city) [ Vol.19, Issue 64 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Goodarzi3.Gholamreza Modeling of Foresight for Sustainable Development Using Scenario Planning and System dynamics Approach (case study: Yazd Province) [ Vol.19, Issue 62 - Spring Year 1399]