The Effects of Cultural Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Style of Managers on Employee Resistance to Change
Subject Areas :
Fakhriyeh Hamidianpour
Majid Esmaeilpour
razie zarei
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2 - Associate Professor in Marketing Management, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University Bushehr, Iran.
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Keywords: transformational leadership style, cultural intelligence of managers, resistance to change ,
Abstract :
Abstract Background: One of the most important challenges faced by organizations is the environmental factors’ change and increasing global competitions. In response to this challenge, it should be noted that change management is a difficult task. Most of organizational changes fail. Lack of personnel’s agreement with the change and their resistance are among the most important factors that cause the failure of organizational change. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two factors of cultural intelligence of managers and transformational leadership style on employees' resistance to change. Methodology: The population of this research includes managers and employees of Jam Petrochemical Company (Iran). The sample consisted of 260 employees and 60 managers of various units of the company. Data were collected using the tool of questionnaire. To analyze the data SMART PLS structural equation modeling software was used. Results: The findings of this study show that cultural intelligence of managers both directly and through transformational leadership style has a positive and significant impact on the resistance to change and also the transformational leadership style has a positive and significant impact on the resistance to change.
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