Developing and explaining of the performance enhancing model of company based on the effective components of intellectual capital and organization entrepreneurship
Subject Areas :mirza hasan hosseini 1 , Aliakbar Jowkar 2 , Zynolabdin Rahmani 3 , Elham Keshavarz 4 *
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Keywords: organization entrepreneurship, intellectual capital, corporate performance, FAHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS, vikor, ELECTRE, poset methods ,
Abstract :
According to importance of subject, the aim of this study is to evaluate and rank factors of intellectual capital and organization entrepreneurship that aims to improve the performance of corporation. Therefore, after reviewing the literature and interviews with professors and coil industry experts, intellectual capital, organization entrepreneurship and firm performance factors were identified. After designing and distributing questionnaires among coil industry experts, priority and importance of each of these factors with using Fuzzy TOPSIS, FAHP, vikor, ELECTRE were evaluated. According to the results of the above methods in cases not compatible with each other, to achieve the overall ranking of integration methods (POSET) that includes: rating average method, Borda method, Copeland method and integration phase (POSET) has been used. The results obtained from FAHP method, according to the company's performance improvement indicate that the net profit is the most important subcategory of the factors affecting corporate performance improvement; competitive advantages, customer retention, market value of the company; innovation capacity and volume of transaction are at ranking highest respectively. The results obtained from FAHP method indicate that organization entrepreneurship is more significant than intellectual capital of the factors affecting corporate performance improvement. Different Ratings have offered for intellectual capital and sub-scales of Human capital, Structural Capital, Relational Capital, Innovation Capital and Customer Capital factors. To reach a consensus, it was used in the ranking of integration (POSET) method and based on integration (POSET) method is most important factors of intellectual capital that helps to improve company performance improvement in order of importance include: Human capital, Structural Capital, Relational Capital, Innovation Capital, Customer Capital factors and also, the most important factors of Human capital, Structural Capital, Relational Capital, Innovation Capital, Customer Capital regarding to company performance improvement in order of importance Include: Leadership ability, Employees’ competence, Employees’ experience, Employees’ creativity, Individual-level knowledge, Customer satisfaction, Motivation of the personnel, Customer loyalty, Employees’ attitude, Organizational structure, Staff’s experience, Organizational learning, Marketing capability, Databases, Management system, Use of knowledge, Strategically values, Operation process, Information system, Corporate culture, Brand value, Mission-vision, Relationship with suppliers and competitors, Size of organization, Innovation culture, Relationship with other organization, Market intensity, Company lifecycle, Customer appropriateness, Innovation mechanism and Innovation achievements. based on integration (POSET) method is most important factors of organization entrepreneurship that helps to improve company performance improvement in order of importance include: structural factors, underlying factors, behavioral factors and also, the most important factors of structural factors, underlying factors, behavioral factors regarding to company performance improvement in order of importance Include: Entrepreneur organization structure, Entrepreneur organization strategy. Reward system, Political/ governmental factors, Decision making/control, Infrastructure, Organizational culture, Management Support, Communications, Financial system , Availability to resource, Technology, Performance evaluation system, Uncertainty/ changes, Employee empowerment, Information system , Complexity, Research and development system , Risk Taking, Market, Employee's characteristics , Team spirit, Manager characteristics, Foresight , Self-Efficacy ,Creativity and innovation, Previous experience and Entrepreneur Organization leadership style
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