Design of online shopping improvement pattern by using ISM model
Subject Areas :Amene Kiarazm 1 * , Lotfolah Forozandeh Dehkordi 2 , Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand 3 , mirza hasan hosseini 4
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Keywords: Electronic business online shopping improvement Interpretive Structural Modeling,
Abstract :
This study is done to identify affecting factors on the improvement of online shopping with respect to the customer decision-making process. For this purpose, the literature review were used and then using interpretive structural modeling for defining relationships between affecting factors on the improvement of online shopping. To define these relationships, 16 expert opinions on management and information technology were taken. The results show that the model includes seven factors: Channel Quality, Website Quality, Product Features, Advertising, Transaction Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Online Shopping Improvement. Website Quality, Product Features, Transaction Quality have a fundamental role because of high driving power and low dependency. After that, Channel Quality, Advertising, and Customer Satisfaction are at the center of attention. Finally, the goal variable of study - improve online shopping- is placed the third level because of having lowest driving power and highest dependency.
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