Designing of the green marketing model in consumer markets in small and medium businesses to enter international markets with a soft system methodology approach
Subject Areas :Elham Keshavarz 1 * , mirza hasan hosseini 2
1 - Postdoctoral student of Payam Noor University
2 - Professor of Management Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Marketing, Green Marketing, Small and Medium Businesses, International Marketing, Soft System Methodology Approach,
Abstract :
Designing a green marketing model in the country is a complex, time consuming and long matter and due to the role of different actors in it, its dynamism has been increased and these two factors of complexity and dynamism are the main reasons for using the methodology approach of soft systems in the design of this model, because the approaches related to the design of hard models in the fetus will not have the necessary efficiency and effectiveness. In this research, using the soft system methodology approach, the unstructured problem, i.e. designing a green marketing model in consumer markets in small and medium-sized businesses to enter international markets, is explained and then, by defining its boundaries, a clear picture of different system actors and benefits that are drawn. In the third step, the CATWOE approach is used to explain the root definition of green marketing in consumer markets in small and medium-sized businesses to enter international markets, and in the fourth step, a conceptual model of activities is presented using the root definition. In the fifth step, the developed model is compared with the real world. In the sixth stage, desirable and possible changes to improve and develop the real system are identified, and finally in the seventh stage, programs to implement the changes are proposed and given to the officials and stakeholders involved in the situation to improve the performance of the system and ultimately reduce environmental degradation and improve consumer purchasing intent.
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