Designing and Developing an Personal Financial Intelligence Measurement Model: Using the Meta-Synthesis Method
Subject Areas :
Alireza Aliahmadi
Mohammad Javad Azarshahi
Maram sadat Khamoushi
Samira Ghamari
1 - عضو هیات علمی
2 - Payam-e-Nour University
3 - Islamic Azad University Malayer Branch
4 - Islamic Azad University Malayer Branch
Keywords: Financial Intelligence, Financial Quotient, Meta-Synthesis Method, Model Design,
Abstract :
Financial intelligence is considered a new concept in the field of behavioral finance that has not elapsed long from its emergence. This recently emerged concept has been defined and conceptualized by only a few scholars. To increase this field, attempts are required to be made in order to improve understanding of financial intelligence. The present study was aimed at designing and developing a model for measuring Personal' financial intelligence, using meta- Synthesis method on the basis of translation. It employed qualitative research as an approach, scientific documents as an instrument, library research method as a data collection method and cross-sectional study in its implementation process. The translation-based meta- Synthesis method was implemented on the basis of curve fitting and semantic enrichment technique, by coding the component of the previously developed models, and a model was obtained with two components: personal finance skills and basic skill. The 5E instructional model of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate was used to evaluate the quality of the developed model which was finally confirmed. The conceptual apparatus developed in the present study has the capacity to empower the various organizations of human resources both in a variety of industries and in countless economic and financial fields, to study the behavioral finance of individuals and to examine the behaviors in financial markets and investors and everything related to behavioral finance.
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