The effect of e-marketing alignment with the organization's macro strategy on improving the performance of commercial organizations
Subject Areas :
Mohsen Rezaei
Alireza Aliahmadi
mirzahasan hoseini
Mohammadtaghi Amini
1 - PNU Faculty member
2 - Faculty of IUST
3 - Faculty of PNU
4 - Faculty memberof PNU
Keywords: Alignment, , Balanced Score card, Electronic Marketing, Information Technology, Strategy,
Abstract :
Strategic alignment of digital marketing activities with the grand corporate strategies is a necessary for new marketing. Increasing development of this type of marketing highlights the necessity for this alignment and synergy. This study aims to identify the factors of e-marketing of commercial organizations that strengthen this type of alignment. The statistical population of this study includes Iranian companies which are active in the field of digital marketing and have received the Enemad. The number of samples was determined via a random sampling method and using the Morgan table as 384 samples. The research data were collected through questionnaires that were provided to managers and e-marketing and planning experts in these companies by e-mail and Google Form. Questionnaire items were designed in two sections: the first one examined the alignment factors in the company, and the second one surveyed the results of its performance through a balanced scorecard. Replied questionnaire analysis was performed using SPSS and Lisrel software. The research method in this study is quantitative and survey. Using the SEM method, a conceptual model for e-marketing alignment and grand strategies of commercial organizations has presented. Performance measurement of organizations that have used alignment factors with the balanced scorecard method in 73% of cases shows better results than other organization.
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