Compilation and explanation of business model design framework with resistance economy approach
Subject Areas :
hesamedin Rahmani
Alireza Aliahmadi
mirzahasan hosseini
MohamadMehdi Parhizgar
1 - Post-graduate Center, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - University of Science and Industry. Advance Engineering Faculty. Tehran Iran
3 - Post-graduate Center, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Management, Payam Noor University. Tehran Iran
Keywords: Resistance Economy, Business Model, Resilience, Meta-Synthesis,
Abstract :
Resistance economy as an economic strategy to face the dependent economy and in response to the arrogant global sanctions against Iran, has been emphasized by the Supreme Leader. Resistance economy seeks to reduce vulnerability to external threats, prevent crises, and review current inefficient economic structures and systems. In the resistance economy, the effort is to reduce dependencies and make maximum use of the advantages of domestic production. Therefore, it is necessary to redesign the business models of Iranian enterprises based on this approach. In this regard, this research has compiled and explained the conceptual framework, dimensions and components of the business model based on the resistance economy approach. The approach of this qualitative research and the research method is meta-synthesis, which follows the seven-stage model of Sandelowski. In the first step, the Supreme Leader's statements regarding the resistance economy, as well as articles and research collections on the concepts of resilience and business models were carefully collected and studied. Then, the conceptual framework of business was identified with the resistance economy approach. In the following, the influencing factors on the design of the business model with the resistance economy approach were identified. For this purpose, 32 studies that were directly related to the research subject were selected and analyzed through MAXQDA software, and 169 codes were identified. In the next step, after categorizing the similar codes, finally 34 code titles were selected in the form of 9 topics and presented in the framework of the conceptual model of the research.
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